Sunday, September 15, 2013

Sugar Water

Daniel was having  some serious gas problem  yesterday. I could  tell he  was in excruciating pain. Heartbreaking !
He cries  out for no reason and not even a pacifier or mummy's hug could not calm him.

The nurse and I tried swaddling him up, rubbing his belly or even placing hot packs on his belly. No avail. Nothing worked. The more we tried, the most irritated he became.  Loud yelling.

So I finally asked for Sugar water. We soaked his pacifier in the sugar water and gave it to him. He almost swallowed the whole pacifier.

 We did that for a couple of times and he stopped crying and his eyes closed. Sleep came.

Hmm, The magic of sugar water.  I need me some sugar water too. We all need sugar water.

God bless you son.