Tuesday, December 3, 2013

32,000 views! 201 posts Strong!

I was trying to explain to my little sisters, Miss  A and  Miss E that even though I do not get comments, I average about 200 viewers daily.

 That is a lot for  a learner like me.  Who knew that I Stella would attract readers. I did not like English classes in school. Hated writing essay, reading comprehension and all that English stuff. And  did i forget to mention that I love my Privacy. A very private person.

When that pregnancy illness came along and Daniel was hanging to life with a thin thread, the hospital therapist advised me to write. To write a daily dairy.  I had a google account, so I went blogging.

Since July, I have had 32,000 page views with 201  posts. Who knew? I just wanna use this. Oppurtunity  to thank all my viewers for being there and fueling me on.

You might be silent  and all but I feel your strength!

Have a great day. One love.

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