Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Home Equipment

Like I said before, Daniel is still on 1/8 of a liter of oxygen. So we were provided with a concentator for oxygen and A home apnea  monitor machine.

The oxygen concentrator is loud like a washing machine; hence I locked it in the laundry room.  Now the apnea monitor is like a fire alarm. So piercing and loud to alert if he breathing too low or too fast and also to monitor his heart.

I have fallen out of bed twice at night thinking the house was on fire. I hope  I will not be on crutches before the end of this ordeal. Oh well!

And Daniel sleeps through all of this crazy noises and connection. But Dana takes off running for the nearest room to hide from all the noise.

  Our first Doctor visit will be friday at 10am. That will be  an interesting coordination of baby and equipment.

Wish us luck.

*Dana behaved herself yesterday, I guess the fear of returning to MY GERIA is the beginning of wisdom*


  1. you will never be in crutches ma dear. you keep marvelling mi on how you see humour no matter how incontinent things get.

  2. God and humor is my secret weapon through life.

    It works for me.
