Thursday, August 8, 2013

A Letter To My Son.

Dear Daniel,
This is mommy writing you a letter. Mommy is that  lady  that always come and visits you every night, she wakes you up from your sweet sleep with her loud voice. She has a strange accent different from all the nurses and doctors. The woman who always plays you some good and some awful music.

Yes mommy is that lady, that wipes your butt too slow for you and makes you cold. She is that lady that likes to touch your hair, your face, your hands and especially your tiny feets. Yes, mommy is that woman that is so obsessed with you. She is crazy for you. She loves you a lot.

I see your face light up when you hear my voice, opening those eyes bring tremendous joy to my heart.  You have tolerated all my inefficiences and even poo poo on me. Lol. I thank you for putting up with me.

Mommy cannot stay in the NICU  all day because mommy is trying to get well too. Mommy is trying to be strong so you can come home to a super mommy.

My son, the main reason I am writing this letter is to beg you to breathe for me on Monday. The hospital are bringing in the specialists  - ENT ( Ear, Nose and Throat) to check you out and extubate you. Please my son, breathe *tears* for me.  I know you can do it and  I will be by your side if they let me.

I love you.

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