Wednesday, November 6, 2013

No Connections.

We discontinued his oxygen and apnea monitor. He is doing well.

 Enjoy his pictures.

* just took this pictures*

Enjoy his smile and may your day be filled with smiles. 


  1. Finally, we get to see Daniel's face! What an adorable boy! May your labour over him not be in vain. God bless Daniel, Dana and all those who care about them. I'm so happy for u!

  2. Hello Stella,
    I have been reading ur posts regularly(daily actually) for a while now. Though I have never dropped any comment before I have kept you and ur son in my mind hoping and hoping for the best. I am extremely happy that Daniel is off his tubes. Well done Stella. You are one very strong woman. And to the king himself; well done. You are a star already and I have an idea u will grow to become a very successful dr.

    Dr Anna

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      I am highly honored to have you as a reader.


      Who else is out there?

      Obama? Lol.

  3. I rejoice with you sister. I don't know how i stumbled on this blog but i did and that day i prayed for you and your son. This is my first comment and i am very happy to see your baby off the mask, at home and doing very well. I bless God for you. Keep shinning.

  4. God is really in charge of his people.
    his healing is permanent in Jesus name.
