Saturday, November 26, 2016

Where we at!

This year is almost  over and all I can think about is my forthcoming vacation with my sister  and family in Pennsylvania. I have not seen her in almost two years and there is even a kiddo or (two) I need to be introduced to as aunt when I arrive.

I cannot wait to experience the cold and lazy air of the country side. I cannot wait to let the kids get loose and roam free while me and my sister catch up on lost times.  It is a time I wait for. A time where everything will seem so normal for a while. A time where I do not have to think of my autistic son or worry about stabbing looks from strangers. A time of family for family.
I love this photo because of the rays of sunlight on him.
God is with him I am sure!

A walk by the lake.

A little dance.

Picking a flower.

A time where I can just be with family because they know and understand and try not to judge me and him. Having an autistic son takes the life  out of you as you try to make him normal in the public eye or try to bribe him into not throwing another fit in the middle of the restaurant or Walmart. I am learning to be strong for him and I am learning to follow his lead and follow him into the world where my understanding is highly limited.

As a mother, I seat at at his mental and emotional door everyday and hoping he will let me in each day. That is where I at.