Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Bills! Bills Bills!

I wonder when the bills will stop trickling in like a leaking faucet.
I wonder when I can stop fighting on the phone with my Insurance for non payment of bills.
I wonder when my credit will breathe again from all the tumultuous  weight of bills.
I wonder when all will be nice and dandy looking again.

Wednesday, January 13, 2016


This is my life now.

A Thank

I love this picture so much.
this picture reminds me of witnessing a miracle.
A miracle I do not deserve.
A miracle I will ever be grateful and thankful for.

Wednesday, January 6, 2016


Happy New year to everyone out there.
May all your wishes come through.

Last year, I had plans mapped  and written out like  a fine architect. I wanted to go back to school, get a home and do all kind of wonderful things.  Everything was ready and set. I was ready and set. 

I was gonna miss my son so much, I have cared for him everyday of his life and now I have to be away from him.

However, I went ahead with my plans. School was great.  The job was  okay but after some months, I stopped school. I just quit! I was suffering from mental exhaustion.

As for my jobs, I quietly let one go and I found peace and time. I found myself. 

In 2016, I have no plans. None!

Kinda of scaring for a person like me but I am gonna let the CREATOR take charge.

I will let HIM guide my 2016 ship.