Friday, August 30, 2013

Lupus it is!

I have been a little sad for about 24 hours now. Why? My Rheumatologist finally gave me my medical diagnosis on August 28.  LUPUS!  Not really shocked because they suspected it. But the specific lab result pin pointed it.

Lupus is a chronic inflammatory disease whereby your own immune system ATTACKS  your own healthy tissues such as kidney, heart, brain, lungs, joints, blood cells and skin. It is your body fighting your body instead of foreign elements.  It means your body has gone wacko-jacko! Lol.

Lupus is very hard to diagnose because it mimics other ailments
.  But the most distinctive sign of Lupus is a rash across your face called the Butterfly Rash.  Lupus has no cure but symptoms such fatigue, fever, joint pain, joint swelling, headache etc. can be controlled by medications.

My diagnosis show signs of kidney involvement resulting in swollen leg, high blood pressure and pregnancy complications. It also shows inflammation of my severe joint pain and  joint swelling.

I have to avoid sunlight,  infection, stress and more so live healthy.

I am also kinda of happy because I just unravelled all the mysteries surrounding me. 

I will be okay.


  1. My dear, it is well. There is absolutely impossible for God to do. God can heal you and He will heal u if only u believe and have faith. The Bible says ask and you shall receive, the doctors have pronounced lupus, but is that God's plan for your life? I would advice u sow a generous seed for health/life and every morning before the sun comes up, rise up and sing praises to the most high for lupus,just sing and dance and worship God, do this like ur life depends on it and sit back and watch God work his great wonders in ur life. There is no need being sad, if u know the kind of God u serve u would have unspeakable joy. The Bible says his banner over us is love, so my dear sister I advice u to run under that banner. (Where prayer fails you, praises would never fail u). Just keep singing praises and thanking God for ur life. It is well with you.

  2. you definitely will be okay. infact you will be fine. by his strips we are made whole.
