Thursday, August 1, 2013

Eyes Open.

Well I went to see Daniel and he needed blood.  My little man is anemic. He is getting blood through IV on his hand and antibiotics through IV on his leg. Poor little guy.

Well he did open his eyes for me. He got  a lot going on but I believe in God.

Please remember him in your prayers.

My faith looks up to thee,
My lamb of Cavalry
Savior  Divine


  1. Father Lord..children and babies are special to you
    Please I the mercies of the cross
    Heal Daniel completely, totally and wholly
    Because you created him
    And you knew him even before he was born
    Father I thank you because I know he is already a testimony
    Father I worship him because I can already see and hear him asking Stella to explain all those her impish posts on nairaland and she struggling for words
    Father I adore you because I already see him riding a bicycle and sharing an apple with a friend
    Thank you father for you anwer prayers

  2. Thank you for your prayers. It is well.
    I do have a lot of explanations to do in the future. I know it.

  3. It is well,
    By the way....please stop referring to Daniel as 'poor little guy'
    He is a fighter and a warrior,
    A survivor!!

  4. Yes sire! ( British Accent).
    Seriously, yes he is a fighter and a survivor.
    I believe it.
    Thank you.
